The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Monday, November 02, 2009

So we tried to keep a tally of the number of trick-or-treaters we had on Saturday night and came up with 106 trick-or-treaters. I think we got more than that last year (my guess is 150) because we had significant periods of time where there was absolutely no one there, or on our street but not coming up to our house; maybe the different groups were giving tips to each other ("That house has no Butterfinger"). Consequently, we have a TON of candy left over. It makes me kind of shudder when I look at it, but I will admit that there are times that I walk by and gently sift through the bowl, contemplating my options. Most time I walk away because I find no real interest (half way through the night I realized we, in fact, had no Butterfinger candies), but sometimes I walk away with a treat.

But the real treat came on Sunday! MLE's mom went out to visit her in Connecticut and came back with a package for me! A beautiful crocheted sack containing my favorite - Wine Gums! Whereas the Halloween candy sometimes repulses me, these Wine Gums are a sight for sore eyes! So delicious!

Otherwise, I have been trying to focus today. I woke up on my own quite early (6:15 a.m.) and have been trying to figure out ever since what to do. What to have for breakfast, what project to work on, what to have for lunch, etc. The only thing I know is that I think I am going to make chicken tortilla soup for dinner. It was also going to be for lunch but, seeing as how it's lunchtime and how my stomach is starting to growl, I think a quick lunch is a better option. After sending out an invoice and looking at Easter art (my God, what have I gotten myself into!), I began work on a web design for my new freelance gig. It's supposed to be hush-hush, so I suppose once the cat is out of the bag, I can tell you all about it. I think next will be either store then lunch, or if I can't stand it, lunch then store.

Gavin is away this week at a conference and when I dropped him off at the airport early Sunday morning, I thought it'd be no problem. Wouldn't miss him, etc. It didn't take more than a few hours when I realized, "Hey, this is lonely." It hasn't helped that my dad is out of town until later tonight, too.

Anyway, I think I better be moving along to figure out lunch. Hope you have a good day!

- Jenny, 11/02/2009 12:07:00 PM

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