The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Monday, November 23, 2009

In the past week or two I've seen two new movies. The weekend before this past one Gavin and I saw Pirate Radio. I really enjoyed Pirate Radio and I think Gavin liked it, too. I think what was particularly enjoyable about this film, beyond the good, interesting story and good acting, was the excellent sound track. What an exciting decade to have been alive, huh? For those who are not in the know, the movie is about a group of DJs who lived on a boat off the coast of Britain and broadcast rock-and-roll music to Britain. (Apparently it was illegal in Britain to broadcast rock-and-roll in the country, but the boat was in international waters.) Anyway, part of the story focuses on how the government tries to suppress them. According to NPR, the movie is based on a true story.

Then, this weekend I saw The Blind Side with Gavin. This movie was SO good. I recommend both of the movies, but this movie I especially recommend. Apparently it has at least vestiges of a true story of football player Michael Oher of the Ravens. This movie is about this boy, Michael Oher, who is sort of an abandoned child in the projects. His dad is gone, and his mom is a drug addict. So he lives with a friend's family on their couch. The parent of his friend takes the boy and his friend to a fancy, white, private Christian school in hopes that the school would pick them up as athletes. The school does, the boy is kicked out of his friend's house. Sandra Bullock's family, who is fabulously wealthy, houses the kid for a night because they see him walking around one cold night. They end up adopting him and helping him to succeed. The story is very inspirational (and a tear-jerker).

The Blind Side movie has left me thinking, though. The movie really emphasizes that Sandra Bullock's family takes this guy in because it is the Christian thing to do. And I appreciate that the movie explores the ethics of how they do it, and I felt that the movie shows them as being a really wonderful example of caring for people who are "the least of these." However, the movie also really emphasizes the wealth of this family. They, for sure, had the money and time and energy to take this boy in. And I wonder if it makes it seem like people can only make a caring difference in a person's life if they have the means to do so. I guess I just hope that people don't leave that movie thinking, "Wow, that's great that they were able to do that. I hope other rich families will do the same." I hope people will leave that movie thinking, "Wow, what kind of difference can I make in someone else's life?"

And now, for the fun news of the weekend: Gavin bought The Beatles Rock Band. It is SO much fun to play and, for some reason, a lot more fun for me to play than regular rock band. The graphics/look/style of the game are really impressive. I can't wait to take it down for Thanksgiving with my family and see if we can get Uncle Brad (total Beatles devote) singing.

And now, for the bad news of the weekend: My Sunday softball team lost to the Unicorns, again. They may sound nice and harmless and you may think they look cute in their pink t-shirts, but they are anything but. They are the thorn in the side of The Team. The first time we played the Unicorns they beat us something like 35 to 5. They are so stinking good and, for whatever reason, the Sports Office does not move them up to another division, so they keep on murdering teams like ours. We've never lost to them with that big of a spread since (and we've since become a much better team together), but still. I would have liked to have been thankful for a little Unicorn on a plate this Thanksgiving, if you know what I mean. Perhaps next Thanksgiving.

- Jenny, 11/23/2009 08:33:00 AM

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