The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Friday, October 30, 2009

In about a half an hour, I will receive a call from Ohio, I think. The Catholic missionary company who's commissioned me to paint their Christmas card appeals for the past few years wants me to do this year's Easter appeal, too! This is very exciting - although at the start of any project (painting, design, sermon, class, etc.) I feel like a total sham, incapable of doing anything of merit. This is probably why interviews don't always go so well. I've never painted anything Easter-themed before, so here-goes. I wonder if they'll ask me to paint the crucifixion. Whereas I don't know if I can paint it, surely my version will be better than this one.

After the phone meeting today, I have to continue to work on logo ideas for my new client, then I have to continue working on this grant that I have to mail in by tomorrow for Family Promise. I spent most of the day yesterday working on it and, after the fact, I felt like a zombie. My first real time doing anything like that. So, I have to finish that today. I also think I may go to return some clothes.

Anyway, no big plans for Halloween this weekend. Gavin, Joey and Carrie are all coming over to my house on Saturday to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Hopefully we'll play a game while we do that, although it has to be one that can be interrupted--we get LOTS of trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood. It's flat ground and the houses are not too far apart, so it makes it easy for the neighborhood children to stock up on candy for the next 10 years. Sometimes I get irritated by the kids who come by without a costume on. Last year there was this kid who was wearing normal clothes and I asked him what he was and he said "a bear." I gave him candy begrudgingly. I am just too nice.

Sunday Gavin flies to South Carolina for the week. He has to take a training class for work. I'm not going to let his leaving stop me from having fun - Sunday I am going to church, then going to a dia de los muertos carnival, then playing softball. A full day!

- Jenny, 10/30/2009 08:26:00 AM

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