The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So I love crisply painted lines. Part of why I am so enamored with my Babolat tennis racquet is that it is painted in these matte colors of a medium blue, black, white and red. Maybe some silver too...hard to say because it's been a few weeks since I've played tennis. But you can totally see a crisp line of where the colors touch each other. Sometimes when I am playing I have to tell myself not to focus on that and to instead focus on the game. I'd like to think maybe that's why I always lose to Colander, but I know that the truth of it is that I have way less talent and athletic skill than him.

Anyway, this weekend for the wedding all of the bridesmaids got French-style manicure/pedicures. I am a huge fan of getting manicures & pedicures (although I am not a fan of paying as much as I did this weekend, but bridesmaids follow directions), but I have never before gotten a French manicure. Or pedicure. I've been interested in the French manicure, but not so much the French pedicure mostly because I feel that looks weird. Anyway, when the woman was first putting on the white on my fingernails, it was all sloppy. I was actually kind of upset about it, but I figured that I would just let it go. Good thing--because I guess the protocol is that they apply the white part kind of sloppy and then take a paintbrush with acetone on it and clear away the mess to make a smooth line. So the paint on the tips of my fingernails is already chipping off, but the smooth, crisp line is still there and I love looking at just that line. It's particularly good on both pinky fingers and both thumbs. This being said, I most likely won't get a French manicure in the's just fun for now to be able to look at that crisply painted line.

On a completely different note, I am watching Ninja Warrior with my dad and Gavin right now and Gavin keeps on making fun of me. When the contestant is close but the time limit is closing in, I get really stressed out and start to cover my eyes. I can't handle it. So Gavin is exasperating it by counting down loudly and getting me all riled up. And i want to marry him, why???

- Jenny, 6/24/2009 09:27:00 PM

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