The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am a bad patient. Over the last few months I've had a problem with my blood...basically that I don't have enough blood. It was pretty much a crisis in March (on my cousin's birthday) when I went in to the Emergency Room to get a blood transfusion. So, over the last few months I've been trying to build my blood back up. Ever since the ER, I've been assigned to a hematologist, but I never went...mostly because I don't have insurance and it pretty much sucks to go to the doctor if you don't have insurance, much less a specialist. So I kept going to my regular doctor and she told me to take these massive quantities of iron, three times a day. Then, I went in for a blood count and my blood had substantially the point where she said, "keep taking the iron as prescribed," and I thought, "Well, I don't want to overdose...I'll just take it when I can"...which ended up being 0-3 times daily.

So, anyway, two weeks ago I was thinking that I really should just go see the hematologist, just to make sure. But I didn't do anything about it because I debated about going to a free clinic on the other side of Los Angeles, or going to the hematologist that the hospital referred me to across the street. While I was hemming and hawing, I happened to be called by the hematologist's secretary, wondering why I hadn't called for an appointment. It's been months, afterall. So we scheduled an appointment for me early this morning. I was really nervous that he was going to be so mean and do all of these tests and things, but he was really, really, really nice. He did tell me that I was a bad patient, mostly because I have avoided seeing the doctor when my blood has been relatively bad and because I told him I take the iron whenever I can...which may average out to being ~2 times a day. However, he was good natured about it and, after taking my blood and doing a test, he told me that I could just stay on the 2/day dose plus eat red meat once a week. That doesn't sound so bad. And, my total cost for the visit plus lab work ended up being just shy of $60. My day has begun with a surprise of a very positive doctor's visit. He did tell me, though, that he can tell just by my skin that I eat too many orange things...carrots, oranges, etc., and that I should perhaps not eat as much of those. I'll try, but I don't know how successful I'll be--I LOVE orange things!

This weekend I went down to San Diego to be in my friend Marian's wedding. I went down on Friday and spent some time with my Aunt Sally, Roger, Keana and Leila. Keana and Leila had their last day of school that day (3rd & K), so there was excitement in the air. I watched them swim in their pool periodically throughout the afternoon, playing with their friends. It reminded me of my summers during my youth, where I would swim and swim and swim for hours. Now I get in the pool and I wonder what there is to do. But back then I remember being endlessly entertained, even though I was turning into a prune. I wish I could regain that. After swimming, we all went out to dinner at McDonald's because Keana was told she could pick anywhere to eat as a celebration of making it through the evils of Mrs. Rose. I remember at one point in my life I would have elected for McDonald's, too. Then later on that night I met up with the bridal party in downtown SD at a cowboy bar called Double Deuce. Double Deuce is owned by the groom's friend, so we were able to have drinks and rides on the mechanical bull for free. I only had half of one drink and opted out of riding on the mechanical bull, partly because I did not want to risk whiplash and partly because I dislike making a fool out of myself in front of others.

Saturday morning was relaxing, spent reading and lounging with my family. Then we all gathered in the cars and went down to meet Danny for lunch and to drive by his new house! Danny bought a very nice house in the Clairemont area of San Diego, and his escrow ended that Friday. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to move in until the beginning of July, but when he moves in, he assures us that he'll have our whole family over. The neighborhood is nice and quiet and the house looks very nice from the outside. Immediately after that, I went down to Balboa Park for the wedding rehearsal. That was the beginning of all the work. We were there for quite awhile, then we went and had a late lunch, then we started in on all of our tasks, including: finishing and printing the (elaborate and pretty) programs, putting together all of the flower arrangements, getting our nails done, putting together the centerpieces, checking into the hotel, etc. I learned how to make very nice flower bouquets, flower wreaths, etc. The woman who taught me was really impressed and seemed to want to go into business with me! (If I lived in SD, I might consider it! It was fun!) However, it all got less fun as the night wore on. Eventually I went to bed at 4 a.m.

Only to wake at 9 a.m. in order to get ready for the wedding - hair, makeup, etc. We ended up going to a salon in Golden Hill, this SD neighborhood that has some really neat, old, funky houses. I only had my makeup done...and somewhat regret it. I expected that I would feel that it was too much (mostly because I wear hardly any, so it's always a shock to see it very done up), but I did not expect that the guy would give me red/magenta/wine eye shadow. Being a white girl, I felt I looked like a rabbit when I was done. But eventually I got used to it and hardly noticed it. The wedding was at 4 p.m., and we were supposed to get to the park at 2:30 p.m. to take pictures. The bride, however, was running really late, so we ended up taking most pictures after the ceremony. There were two ceremonies because the bride is Korean. The first was a traditional, Western-style ceremony. The second ceremony was called a Paebek ceremony wherein the bride and the groom dressed in traditional Korean dress and there was a sort of tea ceremony where the relatives threw dried fruit at them, the number of dried fruit they caught is a symbol of how many children they will have. It was really neat to watch that part of the ceremony. Then we headed up to La Jolla for the reception at Azul Restaurant. Up to that point, I had eaten: one cup of orange juice, one cookie, one banana and a handful of nuts. Now, I don't know if it was that the food was absolutely delicious (it was) or if I was just really hungry (I was), but that food may have been the best food I've ever eaten. And the view at the restaurant, especially during sunset, was spectacular.

All in all, a nice wedding, but I sure am glad that I took Monday off of work. What is it about weddings that make them so draining?! Ok - I have stuff to do before I go in to work this afternoon. Hope all is well!

- Jenny, 6/23/2009 09:03:00 AM

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