The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Thursday, June 25, 2009

3 posts in 3 days? Obviously Jenny's computer has been taken over by aliens.

...or maybe by the procrastinator Jenny who hasn't even put a word together for her sermon on Sunday. I know, I know, there are many pastors who haven't even looked at the scripture yet, but I really like to be done with it all by now. I have read the scripture and I have prepared my research, but I finished it early this morning. I guess I needed to relax today. Good thing that tomorrow I have the entire day off.

Tonight I made Mediterranean stuffed bell peppers for Gavin and I. I got the recipe from a Woman's Health magazine that I took from the beauty shop where I had my makeup done in San Diego. I've always wanted to have a stuffed bell pepper, but I've never been brave enough. Weird, I know. So I saw this recipe where basically you saute ground beef with cumin, cinnamon and garlic, then you mix in tomato sauce, brown rice, raisins and green olives. Since I like all of those things, I thought it would be good. I sorta messed it up because I accidentally put in about double the rice that was called for...mostly because I wasn't thinking. (At first I was halving the recipe but that didn't work, so I kept the recipe as is, but accidentally put in more was a mini-crisis.) I think Gavin really liked it. I am on the fence. We both agree it'd be better with the correct amount of rice. I liked it, but by the end of the pepper, got really tired of it. It felt like it needed a little more oomph. Like for it to be a little spicier? Or maybe saltier? Maybe just salt - the magazine didn't have me add salt at all, probably because it is a "health" magazine and thinks that salt is a major no-no. Anyway, I served it with watermelon. I love watermelon.

With dinner we watched The Reader (I guess there's spoilers in this paragraph). Although I was distracted by a.) how much I liked how she styled her hair during the trial, and b.) how I feel that they did a horrible job aging her during her imprisonment, I felt that the movie was interesting and thought-provoking. In particular, I thought the anguish that the main (male) character suffered was really interesting - did he support her conviction or not? How do you reconcile someone you love committing atrocious crimes, etc.? I also thought that the ravenous affair they were having was indicative of how ravenous she was to have an education, which for some reason she did not have. Then I read the Wikipedia entry about the book (I didn't know there was also a book) about how the story is more complex in the book. In the movie, I think you can argue that she was a bit...penitent for her actions. But the Wikipedia entry suggests that in the book she's more of a cold, hardened killer who wasn't repentant. I'm a little bit intrigued to read the book, but it gets really mixed reviews on Goodreads. Hmm...I'll have to think about that.

- Jenny, 6/25/2009 09:37:00 PM

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