The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So Susan tagged me in the midst of a few busy days last week to post about the Dancing Deer Sweet Home Initiative:
Dancing Deer’s Sweet Home Initiative raises money for scholarships to help educate homeless women and end family homelessness. As a part of this initiative, our CEO, Trish Karter, will be riding her bike 1,500 miles from Atlanta to Boston, visiting family shelters in each city to raise awareness about this issue. She’ll also be recording stories from the women she meets along the way, asking them about their experiences. One question she’ll ask them are what foods remind them of home.(See more here.)

As Susan indicates, I do think I'm caring and I do like families, and I think that Dancing Deer's initiative is a really neat one. And amazing - I get tired just driving 100 miles in a day - and here this woman is bicycling 100 miles a day, 15 days straight. That's pretty amazing and deserves support!

Anyway, I suppose with this tag you're supposed to indicate what foods remind you of home. My immediate family eats out (a lot), so there's not really that much that reminds me of home-cooked food, at least off the top of my head. However, some of my favorite extended family meals are: Aunt Ellie's burritos, Aunt Trisha's baked/smashed fingerling potatoes, and my Granny's rice with almonds in it that is not made anymore (I wonder why?), but was the first rice I tried that I liked (which got me started eating rice).

Now that Gavin and I eat together, we are starting new traditions of food. He makes a yummy carrot soup (that is not much more than carrots, onions, garlic and chicken stock). I also love making these vegetarian enchiladas (although I leave out the spinach). I also make a chicken tortilla soup that is delicious and I will admit that I do make a fantastic salad (with whatever I can find in the fridge).

- Jenny, 4/28/2009 05:29:00 PM

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