The Medieval Bestseller
I read it somewhere on the Internet...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So I was supposed to work a full shift today, but almost called in to the hospital to cancel because I am still tired from the wedding. I got to the hospital and discovered that all of the staff people were there today (I usually am assigned there when someone is out), so I bargained to do a few hours of work and call it a half day. I came home, took a half-hour nap (sorely needed), and then I have spent the rest of the day doing various freelance projects. I am feeling a bit better now.

While I was working on my freelance projects, I realized that I never checked to see if this one site I did a design for was actually made into a website. (I was commissioned by a web builder to design something that she could build.) So I went over to the site and see that it's up, and think that it is a wonderful improvement on what their website used to be.

Anyway, I wish I could just push hold on life right now. I feel like several things need my attention and that (once again), my entire May is packed without having even started yet. :(

- Jenny, 4/28/2009 05:01:00 PM

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