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The Medieval Bestseller I read it somewhere on the Internet... |
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![]() I am so tired today. So tired that I keep trying to convince myself that I am sick--that I have a stomach ache or that I'm having the worst allergy attack ever, etc. just so that I can rationalize going home early. So far, none of my excuses have convinced me. Happy 25th Birthday to Kathryn!!! Kathryn shares her birthday with Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780), painter of Le Grande Odalisque (I remember studying this one in art history class!), Peter Jennings (1938) and the top of the cake--Michael Jackson (1958), the King of Pop. Surprisingly, one of the deaths attributed to today is the behedding of John the Baptist (29 AD). On this day in 1852, The Latter Day Saints first published their doctrine of "celestial marriage," popularly known as polygamy. The Mormon Church maintained this teaching until the Manifest of 1890 (and later Congressional legislation) outlawed the practice; 1896, Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador; and in 1954 SF International Airport (SFO) opens. I doubt there will be this much cool stuff for my birthday, next week. :( And, finally, the Friday Five: 1. Are you going to school this year? Nope. 2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate? I graduated from high school in 1996 and from college in 2000. 3. What are/were your favorite school subjects? In high school, my favorite classes were yearbook, sign language and probably math. In college, my favorite classes were literature (especially my literature class only on John Steinbeck), package design, color theory and cultural anthropology. 4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects? Although I'm reasonably good at it, English is one of my least favorite school subjects, along with philosophy and biology/life sciences. 5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite? Yes. In elementary school it was Ms. Jackson (not sure why--I just really liked her), in middle school it was Mr. Barberia (because he was funny and cool), in high school it was Mr. North and maybe Mrs. Grogan, and in college it was probably Dan Hoy, Rosemary West and Joan Angelis. - Jenny, 8/29/2003 09:40:00 AM Thursday, August 28, 2003 Is anybody else annoyed that my comments aren't working??? Argh. Last night I went to W. Dave Faulkner's house for some BBQ and a movie. He just bought the Bowling for Columbine DVD, so a great number of us showed up to watch it. I had seen this movie before (in the best theatre ever) and, in general, I really like the movie. I think it raises interesting questions that seem to be problematic with America. However, the movie is not without its biases (eg. all poor, black people are perfectly innocent and all rich, white people are to blame for all of our problems). But, my main beef with the movie is that it catagorizes the problem yet offers no solution. When the movie is over, I get all depressed and think that it is completely hopeless to live in the US and that I might as well live in some other country. Is that the reaction that Mike Moore wants from us at the conclusion of his movie? I can't imagine he wants that, yet he leaves me with no hope, no direction. - Jenny, 8/28/2003 10:48:00 AM Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Wouldn't ya know it? I had two different, insightful things to blog about today and I have forgotten both of them. So, I'll take Kathryn's cue and try out one of the meme blog things. Today's Wednesday What-Ifs are too hard, so that's out. I think I'll do the Daily Double: 1. Do you post at any message boards/forums? No. I have before, but am not currently on any message board or forum. I think I'm bored with them. That, and people usually have totally awful grammar, spelling and punctuation on them (inexcusable things like using its and it's incorrectly). OR, they'll write these really long posts that a.) I'm not totally interested in and, b.) just can't keep my attention focused on them. 2. What was a game that you loved to play when you were a child? I love to play games. One of my favorites as a little girl was the Game of Life...I think I like how there were different paths and they all were criss-crossed and how the game pieces were cars and you could add people to your number, etc. I think I remember also really liking Sorry and Simon. - Jenny, 8/27/2003 10:50:00 AM Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Things are crazy today. But it's totally weird. Everyone wants a piece of my intellectual property. People just keep on coming by my desk either wanting to tell me something or ask me something. I feel all scattered. Here are the biggest two bits of news: 1. I had a totally pleasant time exchanging my phone yesterday. Drove down to the Temple City Cingular store (and waited forever--but that's about the extent of the heartache). This time Mariany helped me, asking me what was wrong with my phone. So, I told her about how I'd make one call and it'd go to "low battery" and then how I went there in May and Jonathan "helped" me by replacing the insides of my phone and gave me a new battery and now how it's doing the exact same thing. WELL, Mariany looks up my info on the computer and says that my warranty for the phone expired last month on the 7th, to which I replied--SORRY, but I came in May (before my warranty expired) and Jonathan didn't say anything about my warranty and when I signed up for my two year contract, I expected my phone to work for two years and I'm not going to settle with them saying that my warranty was up. Evidentally, I answered the question correctly (sorta like in Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they're at that bridge and they have to answer the three questions correctly) because then she talked to the other guy (her manager?) and asked me what accessories I had for my old phone and then promptly got me a new Motorola C350 phone which is in color and very shiny and pretty AND it works with my old plug and travel charger. Yay! Victorious!!! 2. Received an email (twice, actually) from the president of the evil PR company addressed directly to me, subject: "FW: Exciting News!" At this point, I was very scared--why would this guy be emailing me?! And why would his news be exciting--I'm sure that I don't convey a very pleasant attitude when I'm around him because of my feelings for his crummy company and because he just seems so slimey and underhanded to me. So, I open it up and it's about how the PR company has merged with some other [lousy] PR company/advertising agency and how he'll be the new Executive Vice President of the new, lousy PR company and how he gets to keep all of his staff, and how everything's lovely and wonderful. Great. What this means to me is that we'll get the same lousy service and same lousy creative work for a higher cost. Oh, how exciting! - Jenny, 8/26/2003 03:04:00 PM Monday, August 25, 2003 Grr...I paid $2.15/gallon for gas this morning. I had a good weekend. Friday I went down to OC to see Stephanie's new place. She really wasn't kidding when she says that they hadn't unpacked yet. Then, woke up extremely early (5:45 a.m.!) on Saturday to go and help out at a garage sale. I think we sold ~$1,000 from the garage sale, which is great. Unfortunately, I stood in the sun for too long and consequently got sunburned on my chest/shoulders/back. It still hurts this morning. :( After the garage sale, I went home for a little bit before going to Aunt Ellie's for dinner to send Joey off (he left to go back to school on Sunday). After dinner, I went to Terrence's house to meet up to go see Mars. While we were waiting for everyone to get there, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up just before we left to go down to the satellite observatory at the Gene Autry Museum. There were tons of people when we got there ~10 p.m. Some of the lines to look in the telescopes were ~2 hours long. I stayed long enough to look through one telescope and got disappointed when I discovered that it's just a white dot when looking through a telescope. I don't know what I expected, really--a little definition, maybe some reddish color. On Sunday, I went to church, took a 2-hr. nap at home and saw the Dodgers v. the Mets on Sunday night with Chris and Tyler. Three observations: 1. The Mets look sharp in their away uniforms. 2. Dodger stadium continues to get more and more ghetto, despite what this report says. 3. Dodger fans are not ashamed to wear ridiculous things. I'm ok with Dodger t-shirts and baseball caps. Jerseys are kinda cool, too--so long as they're baseball oriented (we saw Kobe Bryant wearing his jersey at the game, but he disguised himself as a short, white kid with a sunburn). The fuzzy blue and white (and sometimes pink) hats that the fans wear--this is where I have to draw the line. These hats are so bad that I can't even find a picture of them online. Anyway, that was my weekend. My boss supposedly gets back this week, which should be interesting. Today my plan is to go to Cingular headquarters and demand a new phone. I don't know if you remember, but I was having trouble earlier this year with my cell phone. After completely charging my phone, I'd make one call and the phone would go to low battery. So, went to Cingular headquarters and they replaced the inside of my phone as well as the battery. Now just four months later, I'm having the same problems. Argh. Unconscious Mutterings
- Jenny, 8/25/2003 10:42:00 AM Friday, August 22, 2003 You know what really annoys me? Those signs off freeway ramps with some sort of name and an arrow pointing in either direction. Just today, I took the Santa Anita exit off of the 210 and there were two signs. "Cindy" with an arrow to the right and "Chelsea" with an arrow to the left. What are these signs for? I guess it annoys me that I find these signs off of nearly every freeway ramp yet I have no knowledge what those signs are for. Why wasn't I invited to be a part of following the "Cindy" or "Chelsea" signs? I guess my main complaint is that I'm nosy and I want knowledge of all freeway off ramp sign postings. I can't believe it's Friday. All this week I have felt that it was Thursday, including today. Tonight I'll go down and see Stephanie's new pad. Tomorrow morning I'm helping out with a garage sale and tomorrow evening I'm going to view Mars with Terrence and others at the Griffith Park satellite station. Sunday I'll go to church and then go to a Dodger game in the evening with Staines and the Crippler. I also am determined to stay clear of Le French Knitting Shop this weekend. Last weekend I spent way too much money on yarn and I STILL don't know how to make a hat. I bet if I go to Le French Knitting Shop this weekend, they still won't teach me how to make a hat, so I'll buy more yarn to make more scarves. This madness must stop. Maybe I should see if there is an understandable way to make on through Not Martha or one of those other sites. Alas, Fridays wouldn't be complete without the Friday Five: 1. When was the last time you laughed? I don't think I've laughed this morning at all. So, I probably laughed last night at some point. 2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Rambo the cat. Rambo sneaked into the living room this morning when I was getting ready for work. His owners explicitly told me that he's (or Max, the other cat who hides all the time) not allowed to be in the living room when I'm not there, for fear of them scratching the couch. SO, I angrily told Rambo that he needed to get out of the living room because I was leaving for work, but he just darted all around the living room, always escaping my grasp. Finally, I decided that I was the smarter mammal and I decided to trick Rambo into thinking that I was a super nice house-sitter who just wanted to pet him all day long. Then, when he let me get close enough, I picked him up and took him out of the room. Humans 1, Cats 0. But since the question says the last person, I can't remember who it was so I'll just say Terrence, since we disagree on everything. 3. Who was the last person you emailed? I haven't sent out any email yet this morning, but technically I emailed Amanda through one of our internal forms that she sent out, telling her that I'd like to participate in our "We Didn't Start the Fire" Fire Extinguisher Training program. (It's not really called that--I just like to call it that) 4. When was the last time you bathed? This morning, approximately two hours ago. 5. What was the last thing you ate? A cranberry bagel from Goldsteins (that they toasted without asking me first :( ) with cream cheese. - Jenny, 8/22/2003 09:55:00 AM Thursday, August 21, 2003 I see your challenge... You're old and wheelchair bound. what do you miss most? Walking on the beach. And I raise you... Would you rather...chew shards of broken glass -OR- sit on a lighted barbecue grill? BBQ Grill. Would you rather...have everyone think your spouse is an idiot and a jerk -OR- just really, really ugly? Really, really ugly. Would you rather...lick the floor underneath a refrigerator -OR- the under side of a toilet rim? Toilet. Would you rather...see the SWAT team pull up to your home -OR- the HAZMAT (hazardous materials) team? SWAT. - Jenny, 8/21/2003 02:57:00 PM I see your challenge: 1. What's one memory of something in your life that still makes you wince every time you think of it? My summer of sloth in the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college. I woke up ~12 noon just to watch the Daily Show (at that time with Craig Kilborne), then I'd proceed to watch Comedy Central for ~4 more hours, after which I might get up and change out of my pajamas and take a shower, etc. 2. What, to you, represents the pinnacle of human achievement on this planet? Well, I kinda don't think it's possible to reach a pinnacle since the human race keeps evolving and achieving. But, I will steal Terrence's answer (from a discussion on the way to Vegas) that the printing press changed the way of society. 3. What meal do you make better than anyone else in the whole wide world? Well, I don't cook too much, so this is kinda hard to answer. I make a pretty mean salad. 4. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself being chased by a wild animal. What type of animal is it? What happened? It's a giraffe. I'm running from it and think, "Wait a second--I like giraffes." Then, I stop and it stops and I say to it, "Hello nice giraffe." And I pet it and the rest is wild kingdom history. 5. What would be your wrestling name? Mean Jenny Smith 6. Toilet paper: hanging over or hanging under? (One of these answers is clearly wrong. Careful) Just so long as there's toilet paper there, I don't care which way it hangs. IN FACT, I don't even care if it's on the holder. (I realize that I have just betrayed all of woman-kind.) 7. Where would you go to see out the end of the world? Hawaii. Might as well be on some nice beach with a girlie drink in my hand. 9. What's your beloved's most annoying habit? No beloved. What happened to #8??? 10. What is your biggest-ever fashion mistake? Well, my mom refused to buy me the dual-colored socks/shirts/etc. when I was in elementary school, so my biggest fashion mistake was not dressing in such a way--I was an outsider even as a little girl. 11. Spots or stripes? Nothing's better than a nice stripe pattern. 12. Elvis or The Beatles? Sorry, Amanda, but The Beatles can rock circles around Elvis. 13. Whose poster was above your bed when you were a teenager? I didn't hang up posters of anything when I was a teenager. Still don't hang up posters to this day. I don't know why... 14. On an old episode of Friends, there was the idea of keeping a ‘list’ of five celebrities you are allowed to (if given the chance) sleep with, and your partner couldn't hold it against you. Who would be on your list? Billy Cudrup, Billy Cudrup, Billy Cudrup, Billy Cudrup and maybe Joaquin Phoenix. (now the #1 search I'm going to get from Google are people searching for Billy Cudrup) 15. Everyone has a song that, while massively embarrassing, they can't help but sing along to when it comes on the radio. What's yours? "Just Another Day" by Jon Secada 16. A friend is looking to move towns: you have to convince him/her to live in your home town. You have 24 hours to win him/her over. Where do you take him/her? I don't actually get this question...does the question imply that the friend is chosing between my town and some other town? If so, then I'd take my friend somewhere in the 909, like Redlands or Mentone Beach (which doesn't have a beach anywhere near it). 17. You get a surprise phone call inviting you to join the Village People. You get to pick your own outfit. What is it? I guess it would be sort of a bad joke if I said a priest. So I won't say that. Hmm...I know! A UPS brown uniform! And raise you to this challenge brought to you by LunaNina:
- Jenny, 8/21/2003 11:40:00 AM Wednesday, August 20, 2003 As you know, I am house sitting in Glendale. Last night was my third night sleeping there and I still am having a hard time getting to sleep and waking up. Today, when the alarm went off at 7:45 a.m., I reset it to 8:00 a.m. which is something I never do. Usually I can get up at 7:45 a.m., but not today. Hopefully I can get used to sleeping there soon so that these two weeks aren't the most tiring weeks ever. The house sitting house also has a jacuzzi. I have been in it two of my three nights there. Last night, in fact, I was even cold when I got out of the jacuzzi. I like the jacuzzi, but I get bored. I can't read in a jacuzzi because the book will get wet. There's no one to talk to in the jacuzzi because I'm the only one there. I just sorta sit there bored. - Jenny, 8/20/2003 09:55:00 AM Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Here is a picture of the ugliest scarf ever made. Last night my high school girls were telling me that it was very "GAP" but I don't buy it. The only way this scarf could look good is in the dark, through the eyes of a mother. - Jenny, 8/19/2003 02:18:00 PM I feel like I have all of these creepy-crawly things on me today. It all started this morning, when I went out to water the back lawn. I pulled in the hose and walked into the house and felt this creepy-crawly sensation on my finger, looked down and had this bug slithering on me. Totally gross. Naturally, I screamed and shook it off of my body but then was perplexed, wondering where it shook off to. It landed on the floor and I looked at it closer and noticed that it was a super-tiny slug, about one inch long and 1/8 of an inch wide, making the fact that it was on me much grosser than an average bug. THEN, just half an hour ago, I felt a creepy-crawly thing in my ear/surrounding my ear. Since I'm at work I didn't scream, but I did freak out and start hitting my head, trying to get it off of me. I never did find any sign of it being an actual bug, so it could be that my hair was touching my ear in a weird way that suggested a bug. My ears are ticklish (along with practically every other body part), so this has happened before, but it bothers me every single time. I don't mind bugs too much until they are on my body. That makes it personal. - Jenny, 8/19/2003 11:08:00 AM Monday, August 18, 2003 I am running about 45 minutes late today. I started house sitting yesterday--a stint for two weeks. Feed the cats, water the plants, etc. Went to bed last night and set the alarm for 7:30 a.m., which is ~15 minutes earlier than I normally wake. Alarm went off and I decided that just wasn't enough time, so I reset the alarm for 7:45 a.m., which is the time I normally wake. Short story long, I woke up at 8:10 a.m. to no alarm because I had forgot to turn the alarm on after turning it off at 7:30. Geesh. I can't be trusted. So, had a good weekend, I think. I saw Whale Rider on Friday at the Rialto, my most-favorite theatre (much to Terrence's consternation). Unfortunately, due to the New Zeland accent and the incredible heat in the theatre (apparently, the Rialto doesn't have A/C), I didn't understand the first 20 minutes of the film so I don't know if I really "got" the movie at the end. Mostly, it made me yearn to go to New Zeland and spend time at the beach. On Saturday, I washed my car (fairly unsuccessful--I can never dry the car before the sun dries it first), went to Le French Knitting Shop and bought some more yarn, went to a produce stand and bought the best green salsa EVER, went to Zuma beach with Amanda and Jared, and went to W. David Faulkner's birthday party. I hadn't been to Zuma beach since high school, so it was somewhat exciting to visit again. Zuma is a beach for beach purists. There's little else but sand, water and highway. I'm not too much of a beach purist--I enjoy little towns next to beaches and piers and stuff like that. So, my liking is much more for Manhattan Beach than Zuma, but I was impressed with how clean (and crowded!) Zuma is. I hate going in the water at the beach (besides knees and below), so the primary activity I enjoy at the beach is to sit and watch everyone else play in the water, as well as to sit and view the vastness of the ocean. Favorite secondary activities at the beach are reading and sleeping, but I didn't do either this time. After the beach, I went home and got ready quickly to go to W. David Faulkner's place for his birthday party. As always, the Faulkner Mansion was impeccable (except for the backyard, which Dave hopes to finish by the end of September). I wanted to leave shortly after arriving mostly because I get really nervous at parties and I'd rather just be alone. After awhile, though, more people that I'm very good friends with showed up, so I felt more comfortable and ended up staying longer than I intended and had a good time. Sunday, I went to church, came home, watched Amelie and longed to live in Montmartre where everything is saturated in the color green :), went to swing dancing class with Ryan and learned the "wheel" move (which is kinda hard to follow into), and then went home, watched Revenge of the Nerds (this movie is--sadly--nostalgic to me, since I watched it all the time as a little girl) while doing some laundry before heading over to my house-sitting house. - Jenny, 8/18/2003 11:45:00 AM Friday, August 15, 2003 I've started a new blog--this blog will catalogue my mondegreen issues. Basically, a mondegreen is when you hear something ridiculous in place of what is actually said. I've made it a community blog, meaning if you want to post about what I've misheard on the blog, let me know and I'll grant you access. Is it just me, or has this week seemed both eternal and short at the same time? The whole PR company/advertisement issue is still going on and is very confusing. They were going to create the ad, then I was going to create the ad, then I was going to re-create the ad by laying out what they had already done, and now they are going to create the ad. I think my boss may be demoting me without realizing...maybe I should talk to him about that. He returns to California not next week but the week after. Hopefully him at least being in the same time zone will be better. Oh, and I guess I don't really have plans this weekend. I might see a movie tonight, tomorrow I hope to go to the yarn store and wash my car (both in the morning) and I'll go to W. David Falkner's b-day party in the evening, and Sunday my only plan is to go to church. I offered to help Dan the new guy (nice guy and snappy dresser) look for a place in Glendale/Burbank this weekend, so maybe I'll also do that if he still wants to/gives me a call. And now, the Friday Five: 1. How much time do you spend online each day? Too much. I usually don't spend any time online while at home (in the evenings or on the weekends), but I spend most of my ~8 hours at work online. 2. What is your browser homepage set to? At work, it's my company's intranet homepage. Although with this cool new Avant Browser that I've been using, it remembers the pages that I was on when I quit the program, so it's rarely open to the company's intranet page. I kinda forget what it's set to at home, although I think I may have set it to open to a blank page. 3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)? Just because I have an AOL email address, I do not use AIM. That is common misconception #1. I use MSN Messenger while at work (with a hotmail email address I have). 4. Where was your first webpage located? My first webpage was a paper I wrote for my World Civilizations class in college. My teacher was this guy who was all into technology, so we'd have to read from this CD-ROM book and then email him approximately a page talking about what we thought about we read. Our term paper on the class was to pick a topic that we discussed in class (I think) and write a paper on it but make it into a webpage. I don't really remember where it was located--did I host it on a site like Geocities or did Woodbury provide space? I can't remember...maybe the Crippler remembers because I think he had Cremer, too. 5. How long have you had your current website? Well, I don't have my own website--too lazy to get that thing going. Or maybe it's because I just don't care. Regardless, I've had this blog since approximately last December. - Jenny, 8/15/2003 09:55:00 AM Thursday, August 14, 2003 Finally talked to my boss yesterday. He said that he didn't get my voicemail. I am going to choose to believe him. There are reasons why the PR company is doing the ads, but the reasons are not because of me or my skill, instead, they are based upon the lack of value the PR company is giving us for the monthly retainer they charge us (while supplying us with nothing). That, and the president has a friendship with the PR company's president. And, it may be that the PR company lied to my boss, who wasn't at this meeting that I was at with my president and the PR company. They say that my president saw some advertising comps that they produced and said go with the ads. a.) They did not produce any advertising examples, and b.) My president clearly said that there was no need for their firm to do advertising because we have me. SO, either the PR company lied to my boss, my boss misunderstood what the PR company told him, or there was another meeting that I was not invited to with the president and the PR company. Ah--corporate life is so refreshing. And people say the church is screwed up...well, it's not the only thing. I went to Target a couple of days ago for toothpaste, scandalously green razor (I almost got pink but decided I liked the perks of the green razor better), etc. and passed by the back to school section. I used to love back to school shopping. All new pens and pencils, paper, binders--taking all of these supplies and organizing them into my backpack was so much fun to me. I know this screams of dork, but there's nothing like back to school shopping and then the actual first day of school. I really loved that. It kinda makes me sad that I can never have a really similar experience again. - Jenny, 8/14/2003 10:13:00 AM Wednesday, August 13, 2003 The moon was really neat last night around 8:45 p.m. It was all low to the horizon (so it was huge) and yellowish and had clouds going across it, kinda like in a scary movie. AND, I think I saw Mars as well, this reddish dot to the left of the moon. So, that was cool. So cool I might have been a little bit dangerous while driving on the road, but no one got hurt, I swear. Still haven't heard from my boss, although I know that he's checking his email because I got a request for something this morning. I emailed him what he was looking for, as well as a note saying that he hadn't returned my call and that I was upset and would like to talk with him. I guess we'll see what happens... - Jenny, 8/13/2003 10:36:00 AM Tuesday, August 12, 2003 I have yet to hear back from my boss. Usually he's on top of things and returns my calls promptly, but I haven't heard from him at all. Not via telephone or email. Perhaps he's on a mini-vacation during his quasi-vacation in Canada. I also have completed knitting the ugliest scarf known to man. I finished it this weekend, including "blocking" it (straightening out the edges), which was pretty successful. Sadly, I'm afraid only a mother could love this scarf (although she would probably make fun of it behind its back). - Jenny, 8/12/2003 09:55:00 AM Monday, August 11, 2003 Ok. I forgot to talk about the bad things. This past week/weekend, not only did I lose my keys, but I also lost my ATM/Visa card. Thankfully, I found my keys, but I had to cancel and reorder a new card. I've nearly lost several other things this past weekend as well. Also, driving in to work today, I saw the unmistakable, hovering, yellow-brown soupy layer of smog over Los Angeles and surrounding areas. What brings up these negative things? Well, because when I answered my email this morning, I have discovered that the PR company is doing a series of ads for us. Here's how they propose they should look/intend on creating them. First of all, totally crappy. Second of all, a weak attempt at trying to use our corporate identity. Third, and most importantly, they are doing MY job. So I called my boss and told him (on his voicemail) that I am very angry for these reason (not the least of these, the job thing) and I haven't heard back from him yet. I am so sick and tired of having to stand up for myself and my job at this company. I HATE being frustrated. - Jenny, 8/11/2003 11:44:00 AM Good morning, everyone. Today is my grandpa Jack's 86th birthday. By the age of 86, Katherine Pelton swam the 200-meter butterfly in 3 minutes, 1.14 seconds, beating the men's world record for the 85-to-89 age group by over 20 seconds. Sure, grandpa can't swim the butterfly in 3 minutes, but he is very active and having a good time in his "golden years." He and his girlfriend Berri probably get out more than I do. In other news, had a good weekend. Friday night I went to ComedySportz with Heather, Jason B., Stephanie and Jason S. to celebrate Heather's birthday. Then, on Saturday, I was totally lame and did not go to the yarn store, so I still do not know how to make a hat. :( Instead, went out to lunch with my dad (after borrowing money for him, since I lost my ATM card this past week sometime and will not receive a new one in the mail until later on this week) and then fed the homeless. Terrence came out and helped, which was super cool. There were only ~60 people there this time--I think because it was so hot this weekend. Then, Staines met up with me at my house and we went to the HOB to meet the Crippler and friends before the Better than Ezra show. (They even took our picture) The show was good, although quite similar to the show we recently saw them in--maybe at the end of last year? But, I think that they always do such a good job live...it's so fun to see them. Then, on Sunday, I went to church and then saw Seabiscuit, truly an American legend. In general, I enjoyed the movie, but there were things in the plot that didn't make sense to me. For example, at one point red-haired Tobey asks to borrow money from Jeff Bridges (whom I always confuse with Jeff Daniels, and vice versa) and he asks for the money to pay for some dentistry work. Except he sounds totally like he's scamming the guy to ask for money to pay for some dentistry, so the whole rest of the movie I kept waiting to see what he used the money for and it was never mentioned again. There were a couple more things that didn't make sense to me, but overall, I was really pleased to see Seabiscuit and red-haired Tobey succeed. I got choked up, but didn't really cry, so it loses the extra 10 bonus points I give movies if they make me cry. - Jenny, 8/11/2003 10:20:00 AM Friday, August 08, 2003 Happy 25th birthday to Heather!!! For those of you who don't know, Heather is Stephanie's sister. Heather is my longest friend--I've known her for a whole 20 years (we met in kindergarten). Wow--that sounds crazy. Heather shares her birthday with Rudi Gernreich (1922), who designed 1st women's topless swimsuit & miniskirt, Andy Warhol (1930) artist/movie producer, Dustin Hoffman (1937) actor (The Graduate, Tootsie, Kramer vs Kramer), and--the most exciting of which--The Edge (1961--Dave Evans) London, rocker (U2-I Will Follow). Old hair, new cut. I took these pictures by my self in the bathroom. I don't want to hear any of you saying that I don't have any talent. :) The cutest cousins in the world (sorry Danny). For those of you who live vicariously through me, here's what's on tap for the weekend. Tonight, I'll be celebrating Heather's birthday by joining her to see ComedySportz, which is just so much fun and everyone should go. Then, on Saturday, I will try to learn how to knit a hat in the morning, feed the homeless in the afternoon and see Better than Ezra at the House of Blues at night. I'll also be eating at the HOB--any recommendations? My only plan for Sunday is to go to church. Finally, here's the Friday Five : 1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country? The last place I traveled to, outside of my state was Atlanta in June. The last (and only) place I've traveled to outside of my country was Thailand last November. 2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling? Well, I've run into people I know in Vegas before (without knowing that they were going to be there). 3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go? Lately I've had a hankering to go to Australia, Scotland, South Africa and Kenya. 4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car? I enjoy traveling by plane. I keep on wanting to spell traveling with two Ls--I guess that's wrong? Or are the people who wrote the Friday Five wrong? I wish I was a better speller... :( 5. What's the next place on your list to visit? I hope to go to New Jersey in November. - Jenny, 8/08/2003 11:29:00 AM Thursday, August 07, 2003 Woke up bright and early today at 7:00 a.m. This is quite unusual for me because I usually wake up at 7:45 a.m.--not so bright and not so early. This is wonderful--I'm on my way to becoming an older person who just can't sleep in past 7am. You can't possibly understand how exciting this is to me. So, this morning, when I woke up, I made some banana bread mostly because I had been meaning to a couple of nights before but hadn't had time. Unfortunately, we didn't have any walnuts in stock, so the bread missed that extra something special. How many people does it take to change a reverse light-bulb? Apparently, it takes more than two. Terrence was kind enough to go out to my car yesterday and help me assess the situation. Apparently, I need a screwdriver to get the panel open to change the bulb. You'd think they'd just make it easy, but I guess not. Today is Sergio's 30th birthday!!! On this day in 1782, Washington created the Purple Heart. Also, by the age of 30, Bill Gates was the first person ever to become a billionaire; Earl Vickers started the Dollar Project, in which dollar bills were rubber-stamped as being lost, with a reward offered for their safe return; and Danish novelist Hans Christian Andersen published his book of fairy tales. - Jenny, 8/07/2003 10:28:00 AM Wednesday, August 06, 2003 My right reverse light is out and has been out for nearly as long as I have owned the car. Finally, yesterday, I bought a replacement bulb, determined to replace the light and have my car whole again. Admittedly--I cannot figure out how to change the bulb. I even went so far as to look in the manual to see how they say I should go about replacing the bulb and nowhere does it say how to replace the reverse bulb. [sigh] In two hours, I am scheduled to have my hair cut. I am so excited because I love how my hairdresser cuts my hair. I love how they shampoo my hair before the haircut; I love how I feel after my haircut. - Jenny, 8/06/2003 03:38:00 PM Tuesday, August 05, 2003 Good news--my teeth are doing very well! I went to the dentist this morning. Most people hate going to the dentist, but I love it. I suppose it's because I have good teeth (genetically) and so I rarely have anything painful done (although I do have ~7 cavaties). I just love the feeling in my mouth after getting my teeth cleaned. I have had two different hygenists at this dentist--one who is quiet and lets me sleep/relax as she cleans my teeth. The other hygenist insists on having a full on conversation with me as she cleans my teeth. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but it's rather difficult to talk when someone's got their hands and a pick in your mouth. I'm surprised I didn't get the, "Now, you know you have to start flossing..." speech this time because this time I didn't even pretend to have a good flossing habit by flossing a day or two before my appointment. Also, I note that not only am I ticklish on nearly every part of my external body, but I am also ticklish on the roof of my mouth. I just couldn't stand it when the hygenist was putting on that yummy, pink, polishing stuff. - Jenny, 8/05/2003 11:39:00 AM Monday, August 04, 2003 Oh, and I forgot to add this: ![]() I love in-jokes, especially if they help highlight the marvellously geeky cultural differences between my internet clique and the rest of the world. - Jenny, 8/04/2003 12:09:00 PM This weekend was quite boring--possibly one of the best weekends I've had lately. Friday night I went to dinner at the restaurant I used to work at in West Hollywood (but didn't have a Ben/Jlo sighting) and then saw Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde, which I don't recommend seeing. My old tennis instructor was in the movie (and even had a speaking part) but for a very short time. Then, on Saturday I went to Le Paris Yarn Shop with Amanda (that's not the actual name--I can't spell the actual name because it's French) and spent a few hours there selecting yarn and making swatches and stuff. I decided that I'm going to make scarves & hats for the five of us who are going to this conference this December because it will be cold. So, I thought I'd start with myself because I don't know how to make hats yet, so I'll mess up on my own. I chose this really soft green yarn and also got another ball of the same yarn in pink (Olive & Coral), which I thought would be a good idea, but now that I'm half way through the scarf, I really don't like the colors together. So, I guess I'll see the project through completion, but will probably end up making myself another set (if there's time). Then, on Saturday night, I went to the most boring Angels' game ever. (Thank goodness I bought my yarn to knit while there!) On Sunday, I went to church and then went home and knit for a few hours, made cookies, and went over to my aunt Ellie's house for dinner. This morning I came in and somehow ended up looking at this complete stranger's wedding pictures. The bride is so pretty and I adore the red of the bridesmaid dresses and love the flower selection for the bridesmaids. Although, if it were me, I might have given them gerber daisies that were orange or yellow. Maybe. Or, maybe I would have just kept with the red gerber daisies. Thank goodness I'm not getting married--these are tough decisions. And, it seems that I have an expensive week coming up on me. This week I'll need to, among other things, go to the dentist, get my hair cut, get my oil changed and go to the dermatologist. - Jenny, 8/04/2003 12:07:00 PM I will post more later, but for now, I'll entertain you with this: I am 50% British, just like Hugh Grant Thought you drive a British sports car you are most likely to have a blowout in LA. Take the Brit Quiz at www.darrenlondon.tripod.com/britquiz1.htm Quiz written by Daz - Jenny, 8/04/2003 10:59:00 AM Friday, August 01, 2003 What a better way to end the week with the Friday Five? 1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? I have three alarm times (7:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m. & 7:45 a.m.), but I'll usually sleep until the 7:45 alarm. 2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? It's getting harder and harder for me to sleep in. If I stay up really late the night before, I'll wake up around 10 a.m. If it's a fairly normal bedtime, I'll be up around 8:30 a.m. 3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning? Take a shower. 4. How long does it take to get ready for your day? About 45 minutes, including shower, breakfast, make-up, getting dressed, and blow-drying hair. (but not in that order) 5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? My favorite place for breakfast, the Old Town Bakery in Pasadena, is no longer. :( In general, I don't like to get breakfast unless it's something like a bagel or a pastry or yogurt or something like that. - Jenny, 8/01/2003 09:20:00 AM |
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